Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Day!

After days of protecting myself from the cold seeping in through the glass of the seven big picture windows in my house I woke up this morning to warm sun pouring through the windows. It is so warm out that I went out in my bare feet to put a handful of raw peanuts into the feeder for the squirrels. (And they call this winter!)

After days of not wanting to go outside, Tim is out cat-ing around in the sunlight. ("To Cat Around" - yes, it is a proper verb: I cat around, You cat around, He/She/It cats around, we cat around, etc. ... Now you can use it too!)

Yesterday I saw no fewer than five squirrels chasing around the trees and jockeying for position at the feeder.

This picture is for my friend, Annie, who tells me there are no squirrels in Australia. I wouldn't trade them for a kangaroo! : )
And, oh yes, I almost forgot - I finished my new website last night (at midnight!) Go take a look! Another good reason to be happy this morning.

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