Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The air is sweet with the smell of damp earth and blooming flowers right now. It is a quintessential pleasure sitting outdoors in the evening in the comfortable chair under the tree in the front garden. I am, of course, bothered by the weeding I have not done and the leaves I have not raked.... but over all there are more important things.

I was working late at my computer last night when some quality of the light outside my windows caught my attention. Everything was suffused with an apricot glow. The alpine light was reflecting down from the clouds upon the earth. I didn't even grab my camera, I just ran for the front door. These moments are all too brief as the sun sets, and sets, and sets quickly.

I wait each year for the week when the Forget-Me-Nots bloom. Those tiny blue flowers tug at my heart!

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