I got some good pictures but this one was my favorite. At first I had no idea what this was. It was intended to be another picture of sunrise behind the trees but actually... did you guess it?... it is a picture of my breath! It was COLD this morning, under 20 degrees F.
No one showed up for meditation again this morning although the Church secretary checked for me yesterday. Here is a picture of the Faith Center in the pre-dawn darkness.
There is an art gallery in West Pearl Street that has the most interesting art exhibitions in their front window. I LOVE this one which is a sculpture (about 12 inches long and tall) of a book seller with his cart full of books. The horse has wheels and there are four cats on top of the books. I should have made this picture larger.
The nice thing about no one showing up for meditation, aside from the opportunity it gave me to wander around taking photographs at 7 in the morning, was that I could take myself to the Trident again for
another pot of tea (Dragonwell, this morning. DO NOT steep longer than 1 minute. I really does get bitter!)
The nice thing about no one showing up for meditation, aside from the opportunity it gave me to wander around taking photographs at 7 in the morning, was that I could take myself to the Trident again for
Here is the order counter at the Trident.
I talked to a poet who sat next to me this morning. He was proofing a manuscript of poems and I started a conversation with him about it. He was an interesting looking person: shoulder-length wavy hair, crisply-ironed white shirt, neat black suspenders - a very tidy and professional-looking poet!
Later I checked out his blog which is chock-full of poetry, art, and photographs by him and other people. I wasn't expecting to like something called "Poetry Victims" but it turns out he started this blog to share his poetry with his teenage son, his first "poetry victim". I voluntarily became his 418th "victim" because I like his site so much. If you want to check it out go to http://thepoetryvictimsvol5.blogspot.com/ His pen name is ZZBaggins.
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